About the label

Enabler No. 6 is a record label with a unique and distinguished history spanning the last several decades of smart and remarkable rock music – and a spirit that sizzles with independence.

Enabler No. 6 is the union of No 6 Records, launched by the late A&R legend Terry Tolkin, and Enabler Records. It carries Tolkin’s rebellious ethos – which helped Elektra bring true independent rock music to the masses – into a weird, fast-changing world where his defiant courage burns more brightly than ever.

Over the years, it has released music from Luna, Dean Wareham, Nada Surf, Vegetarian Meat, Grand Mal, Tindersticks, Charles Douglas, Jule Brown, jennyanykind, Pork, Harmony Rockets, and others. It also released The Bridge: A Tribute to Neil Young (1989).

Recent releases include the rock-’em-sock-’em SoCal punk of Blair Gun and latest from the nervy, passionate, and chameleon San Diego rock troubadour Eric Schroeder.

Enabler No. 6 has no “sound” and is open to anything, as long as it doesn’t want to be anything else. It knows what it likes, and it loves surprises.

It advocates and practices the fine art of management wu wei, “to do without doing." When it finds that rare soul with guts, skills, a mind, and a heart, it gives them creative freedom, providing artists with the “space,” support, they need and deserve, in their quest to share unique visions and to eff the ineffable.